*Inactive training
Partner(s): Terre des hommes - Helping children worldwide, Child Relief Foundation and the Mediator of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
Target group: actors of the West African judicial systems and traditional justice actors
- To identify, in the national legislations of the participating countries, the mechanisms allowing the implementation of penal and family mediation measures in favour of minors;
- To share experiences and identify good practices in the field of mediation carried out by traditional justice actors (such as traditional chiefs, customary chiefs, religious leaders, heads of families and neighbourhood chiefs) and official justice actors, and to exchange on the relevance of strengthening collaboration between official and traditional mechanisms;
- To identify the limits faced by justice actors in the implementation of mediation measures;
- To stimulate the "rights of the child" reflex, in particular the right to be heard and to have one's opinion duly taken into account, in the implementation of mediation processes;
- To discuss strategies that support the improvement of coordination between the actors of the formal and traditional justice systems in the field of mediation for juveniles;
- To reflect on the establishment of a monitoring mechanism for this new regional community of practice and to promote regular exchanges between the actors present at this round table.